Tuition & Fees

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees cover textbooks, classroom materials, and supplies. The chart below details tuition charges. Tuition is discounted when more than two full day children from the same family are enrolled. Calculate using the oldest child as the first child, the second oldest as the second child, etc... Payments will be invoiced in full, or monthly July 1, 2025 to June 1, 2026, or evenly over the months remaining in that 12 month period if registration is completed after July 1, 2025.

2025-2026 Tuition Rate

Pre-K (3 days) $2,228 $2,228 $2,228 $2,028 $1,528
Transitional Kindergarten $4,865 $4,865 $4,865 $3,999 $3,165
Kindergarten $5,516 $5,516 $5,516 $4,616 $3,816
1st - 5th Grade $8,032 $8,032 $7,332 $6,832 $5,632
6th - 8th Grade $8,968 $8,968 $8,268 $7,768 $6,568
9th - 12th Grade $9,939 $9,939 $9,239 $8,739 $7,539

Additional Fees

Application & Registration Fees

The application fee is paid the first time a family applies and is non-refundable. The registration fee is paid with first application and with each successive year at re-enrollment.


Application Fee - $50.00  per new student (online fee with an application; non-refundable)

Registration Fee - $300.00  per student (Required for completed application;  non-refundable) **$750 Family Cap on Registration Fees for current returning students.**

Testing Fees

Gesell development assessment for all entering Pre-Kindergarten, TK, and Kindergarten (due day of test, payable to Cornerstone Counseling) - $170.00

Woodcock Johnson IV assessment (tests cognitive abilities) for all new enrollees in grades 1-12 and current students in 1st grade (due day of test, payable to Cornerstone Counseling) - $225.00

Miscellaneous Fees
(included in July 1st invoice)


Activity Fee - $40.00  (PK - 3rd)
Activity Fee - $50.00  (4th - 8th)

Athletic Team Fee - $150.00 (5th - 12th, per sport, per student)

Science Lab Fee - $20.00  (9th - 12th)

International Exchange Student Processing Fee - $300.00

Revised 1/27/2025