Our weekly Chapel services are intended to celebrate our Savior and sharpen our growing relationship with Him. Each Wednesday, we provide an individual chapel time for PreK-K, 1st – 5th, and 6th – 12th, with age-appropriate spiritual training. Typically, following a time of corporate worship, we have a speaker (local pastor, parent, or faculty member) who will encourage and challenge us with God’s Word, which is the only source of eternal truth.
Chapel is also a great time to unify as believers, across denominational lines, and to join together as the “big C” church of Jesus Christ. Parents are welcome to join us for these weekly worship times.
By participating on a team, students are trained to work with others, trust teammates, represent their school and their faith publicly, gain competition skills that will permeate life in general, and stay physically fit.

Fine Arts
The fine arts are slowly fading out of prominence in our society, but at HCA, we see the arts as an enhancement of the mind, not only in creativity, but also in training our students to recognize things that are eternally true, good and beautiful in this world that God has provided us. When we allow beauty to flow through us, it is a reminder of the image of God placed on humanity, on display for His glory.