2024 Hickory Christian Academy Golf Classic
Cosmo Motors of Hickory

About the Tournament
WHEN: Monday, September 23, 2024
START: 11:00 Registration/ 12:00 Lunch/ 1:00 Tee Time
WHERE: The Catawba Country Club
FORMAT: 4-man Captain’s Choice. Prizes given to 1st and 2nd place for A flight and B flight.
Team: $500
**What to Expect**
$10,000 PUTTING CONTEST (Drawing will take place at lunch): Every registered golfer’s name is automatically put into the drawing to win the chance to putt. There will be an opportunity for you to PURCHASE extra tickets to put your name in the drawing. The putt will take place right before the 1:00 PM tee time. Only one golfer will be chosen to putt.
*Putting contest sponsored by Zach Bumgarner with Bumgarner Oil and Bumgarner Propane.
*Putting green sponsored by Nathan Thornton with Foothills Structural Engineers.
*Sponsored by Cosmo Motors of Hickory.
DRIVING RANGE: Arrive early to practice your swing! Driving range opens at 11:00 AM. Range balls will be provided.
*Sponsored by Dr. David Duralia with Unifour Family Practice.
LUNCH: Warm buffet lunch served at 12:00 PM.
*Sponsored by Joshua M. Millsaps with Hickory Dentistry.
BOX DINNER TAKEAWAY: After your round of golf, you can choose to take home a Chick-fil-A box dinner OR a Papa John’s Pizza. We don’t want you to leave our tournament hungry!
*Sponsored by The Goewey Family with Chick-fil-A South AND Edward Bond with Papa Johns of Hickory.
SNACK CART: Look for the snack cart as you make your way around the course.
*Sponsored by Diane Williams with Strategic Wellness Center.
PRIZES: Prizes given for 1st & 2nd place with an A flight and a B flight.
*Sponsored by Matt Crouse with Crouse Chiropractic.
Additional Sponsorships:
Golf Cart Sponsor – The Wimbish family with E-Z Way Auto Sales.
Bronze Sponsor – GameDay Men’s Health - New to the Viewmont area.

Sponsorship Opportunities
Bronze Sponsor
- Tee box sign with your business name.
- Your business featured as a sponsor on a social media post.
- Includes ONE 4-player golf team.
Silver Sponsor
- Tee box sign with your business name AND logo.
- Your business included on all golf tournament marketing material (social media and pamphlets).
- Includes ONE 4-player team.
- Your business featured on the HCA website as a Silver Sponsor.
Gold Sponsor
- BANNER with your business name AND logo.
- Your business included on all golf tournament marketing material (social media and pamphlets).
- Includes ONE 4-player team.
- Your business name AND logo featured on the HCA website as a Gold Sponsor.
Hole Sponsor
- Tee box sign featuring your business name.
- Opportunity for your marketing material in swag bag.
Banner Sponsorship
- Your business featured on a banner at one of our holes.
- Opportunity for your marketing material in swag bag.
Our 2024 Golf Classic Sponsors
Cosmo Motors of Hickory - Title Sponsor
Joshua M. Millsaps with Hickory Dentistry - Lunch Sponsor
Strategic Wellness Center - Snack Cart Sponsor
Foothills Structural Engineers - Putting Green Sponsor
Unifour Family Practice - Driving Range Sponsor
E-Z Way Auto - Golf Cart Sponsor
Bumgarner Oil/ Bumgarner Propane - Putting Contest Sponsor
Crouse Chiropractic - Prize Sponsor
Game Day Men's Health - Bronze Sponsor
Foothills Broadband Fiber Internet Provider - Bronze Sponsor
The von Drehle Family - Bronze Sponsor
Open Sponsorships Opportunities
**Prize Sponsor!**
**Goodie Bag Sponsor!**
**Gold, Silver, Bronze Sponsor!**
**Banner Sponsor!**
For Additional Sponsorship Opportunities
Please contact Stacy Hine at [email protected]

To AVOID PROCESSING FEES at checkout please pay by check.
Checks made payable to:
Hickory Christian Academy
3260 6th St Dr NW
Hickory, NC 28601