Senior Mission Trip 50/50 Raffle 2024-2025

By purchasing a 50/50 raffle ticket you are supporting our 2025 graduating class!

Each year our seniors embark on a mission trip to Puerto Rico where they are able to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus. Each student is responsible for their portion of the trip, and are able to raise money to support their mission through different fundraising events throughout the school year. 


  • The 50/50 raffle is a FUN way to support our seniors!
  • Your name will be entered into the 50/50 drawing!
  • The drawing will take place at our Coaches vs. Cancer event in the spring!
  • There is NO LIMIT to how many tickets you can purchase!
  • Your ticket purchase MAKES AN IMPACT!

For more information about this fundraiser please email Ashley Sain at [email protected]

1 Final Senior Raffle

Classical. Christian. Family.